Associação Portuguesa de Bancos

Useful Information

Find more useful information here on business support tools, information repositories on internationalisation and national and European statistics.

Business Support Tools

Financial Self-Diagnosis (IAPMEI)

On this website you can find a self-diagnostic tool consisting of an assessment of your economic and financial situation based on indicators relating to the last few financial years.

Issuer's Guide (CMVM)

On this website you can find information about the Portuguese capital market, particularly about access, definitions and examples of companies that have accessed the capital market.

ESG and Sustainable Finance (IAPMEI)

On this website you can find information on how SMEs can incorporate ESG factors into their business strategies and project their investment needs using the available funds.

ESG Platform (SIBS)

This website provides a free platform to make it easier for companies to collect and share sustainability information, particularly with a view to promoting sustainable financing.


International Markets Information (AICEP)

On this website you can find information about international markets (business environment, macroeconomic data, trade balance, legal and regulatory framework, among other information).

Practical Guide to Business in the EU

On this website you can find information on several aspects relevant to European Union companies (e.g. taxation, financing and grants, payments, selling abroad, public procurement).

EU One-Stop Shops

On this website you can find one-stop shops in the EU for companies wishing to (i) explore new business opportunities or expand their services to another EU country, (ii) set up a company abroad, (iii) find out about the applicable rules and formalities or (iv) complete the necessary administrative procedures online.

National Statistics

Banco de Portugal Sector Tables

On this website you can find accounting information and economic and financial ratios for companies in the Banco de Portugal's Central Balance Sheet Database, aggregated by sector and by company size.

Banco de Portugal projections

On this website you can find the latest economic projections from the Banco de Portugal and the European Central Bank for Portugal and the Euro Area respectively.


On this website you can find national and European statistical information presented in an intuitive way.

Statistics from the Office for Strategy and Studies (GEE)

On this website you can find the main Portuguese and international economic indicators.

European Statistics

Euro area statistics (ECB)

On this website you can find national and euro area statistics provided by the European Central Bank.

Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE)

On this website you can find information about the survey on access to finance for companies, carried out jointly by the European Central Bank and the European Commission.

EIB Investment Survey

On this website you can find information about the European Investment Bank's investment survey in the European Union (investment needs, investment limitations, financing, etc).

SME Performance Review

On this website you can find information about SMEs in the different countries of the European Union.