What We Do
Mission and values
The APB’s mission is to pursue and defend the common interests of its members. As such, its objective is to promote and perform all acts that enhance the technical, economic and social progress of the members' own activity and to the pursuit and defence of their interests with any public or private, national or foreign entities.
Specifically, the APB aims to:
- Defend the prestige of banking sector and contribute to a better understanding of its importance in the economy and society;
- Promote cooperation between members with a view to reaching convergent positions on matters of interest to the sector in order to improve the efficiency, quality and rationality of the banking system;
- Take an active role in the debate on changes to the sector's legal and regulatory framework, at both national and European level;
- Collaborate with other industry associations, including through membership of the European Banking Federation.
The APB’s actions are guided by the values of loyalty, honesty, impartiality, credibility, independence, discretion and good faith. In this regard, APB and its employees conduct themselves according to high standards of professional ethics, particularly by preventing and avoiding situations of conflict of interest, undue receipt of advantages, confusion between their professional and personal spheres, discrimination and harm to the physical and moral integrity of others.
Where we are represented
By the nature of its activity, APB represents the banking sector in several bodies at national, European and international level. As such, the APB is represented in the following institutions:
- European Banking Federation (EBF)
- European Money Markets Institute (EMMI)
- European Payments Council (EPC)
Working with the Banco de Portugal
- AMI-SeCo National Stakeholders Group
- Payment Systems Interbank Commission (CISP)
- Board of the Deposits Guarantee Fund
- Monitoring Committees 1 and 2 on the National Financial Training Plan - National Council of Financial Supervisors
- Advisory Board of the Banco de Portugal
- Behavioural Supervision Forum
- Payment Systems Forum
- WG on Promoting Electronic Payments - Payment Systems Forum
- WG on Payment Security - Payment Systems Forum
- Banco de Portugal Accounts Database Monitoring Group
- Central Credit Register Monitoring Group
- Digital Euro Market Contact Group
- Money Market Contact Group
- Working Group of Associations for Financial Education (APB, APS, ASFAC and APFFIF) - National Council of Financial Supervisors
- TARGET 2 Working Group
- Interbank Group for Cross-Border Payments
Working with the Portuguese Securities Market Commission
- Advisory Board of the Portuguese Securities Market Commission
- WG on Capital Market Development - CMVM, in conjunction with the OECD
- Capital Markets Forum Steering Committee
Monitoring Committee for the Multilateral Market Monitoring Mechanism - AICEP and GPEARI - Ministry of Finance
EC-CPLP Specialised Committee - CPLP Business Confederation
Commission for Administrative Modernisation - Ministry of State Modernisation and Public Administration
Finance for Growth Project Advisory Committee - Associação Empresarial de Portugal (AEP)
Interbolsa General Advisory Committee
Interbolsa Operational Advisory Committee
Euronext Lisbon Market Development Committee
Economic and Social Council
National Consumer Council - Directorate-General for Consumer Protection
Competitiveness Forum - Association for Business Development - Portuguese Business Confederation (CIP)
Reflection Group on Sustainable Financing - Ministry of Environment and Climate Action
WG Portuguese Valuation Standards - Professional Association of Valuation Companies (ASAVAL)
WG Recommendations for amending the Legal Framework for Goldsmiths and Assay Offices (RJOC) - Goldsmiths Advisory Council - Portuguese Mint (INMC)
PPI - Portuguese Platform for Integrity - Portuguese Association of Business Ethics
Technical Subcommittee on Standardisation - "Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents" (CT195) - Portuguese Association for Quality (APQ)
The APB has entered into several protocols, both cooperation and operational, with various partners.
Cooperation protocols
- Cooperation Protocol on the preparation of educational and teaching resources in support of the Financial Education Benchmark, between CNSF, APFIPP, APS, ASFAC and APB;
- Collaboration Protocol with the Directorate-General for Consumer Protection on financial literacy;
- Collaboration Protocol with the CTT Correios de Portugal to combat financial illiteracy;
- Cooperation Protocol between the APB and IDEFE (ISEG) for the dissemination of training programmes (Sustainable Finance: Green and Climate Finance Programme);
- Cooperation and Collaboration Protocol Agreement with the Angola Banking Association (ABANC);
- Cooperation and Collaboration Protocol Agreement with the Macau Banking Association (ABM);
- Cooperation and Collaboration Protocol Agreement with the São Tomé Banking Association (ASB);
- Cooperation and Collaboration Protocol between Commercial Banks of Portuguese-Speaking Countries and Macau, signed by the Portuguese Banking Association (APB), the Macau Banking Association (ABM), the Mozambique Banking Association (AMB) and the São Tomé Banking Association (ASB) with the intention of "promoting commercial cooperation between China and the Portuguese-Speaking Countries";
- Letter of Commitment for Sustainable Financing in Portugal.
Operational protocols
Banking Training Institute (IFB)
The Banking Training Institute (IFB) is an integral part of the APB, with the mission of contributing to the greater and better qualification of professionals in the sector.
Continuously promoting the development of Financial Institutions’ human resources, the IFB has a wide range of training programs, aimed at the most varied profiles, which is constantly updated and expanded with topics corresponding to technological and knowledge developments.
With more than 40 years of experience, the IFB operates across a very broad spectrum, which includes initial training, continuous training, certifications and executive education.
Alongside this scope, IFB is recognised as having an unusual capacity and flexibility to develop solutions tailored to the specific needs of each institution.
This flexibility and adaptability, which allows a high-quality response to challenges, is also evident in the modes it offers, including in-person training, videoconference training, e-learning and blended solutions.
In carrying out its mission, the IFB has an experienced team of internal staff, complemented by a wide range of external staff, who are carefully selected and have recognised technical know-how, combining theoretical knowledge with professional experience relevant to the training they provide.
The IFB’s catalogue includes the following areas, which you can learn more about by visiting the website: