Associação Portuguesa de Bancos

The Association

Who We Are

Message from the Chairman

The APB is the representative entity of the Portuguese banking system, dedicated to defending and promoting its common interests with the authorities, regulators and society in general and to cooperate in promoting the country's general interests.

The most important parts of its mission are helping to ensure that the sector’s regulation is functional, proportional and balanced and ensures fair competition conditions in Europe and defending the sector's reputation and promoting social recognition of the importance of banking for the country's development. To this end, the APB works in close cooperation with the regulators and authorities that oversee the sector and is open to dialogue with other organisations in society.

The Association is also committed to the education of professionals in the sector, providing qualified training and promoting financial literacy in society, particular for young and older people, by developing and supporting various initiatives.

The Association and its members are attentive to the cyclical or circumstantial deterioration in social conditions that may result from unexpected economic cycles or shocks, seeking to contribute to solutions that help families and solvent companies mitigate and overcome the transitory impact of these adversities.

This was the case during the Covid-19 pandemic, where a rapid response was implemented with own-initiative moratoria and active collaboration in promoting and applying public policies related to its activity. And it was also the case during the rapid and significant rise in interest rates stemming from the anti-inflationary monetary policy, where the Association was an active partner of the Government in designing and implementing public policies to support families with mortgages. Members got involved from early on, each on their own initiative and on their own terms, to alleviate their clients’ difficulties.

Having gone through a very difficult period following the great international financial crisis, first, and the euro crisis immediately afterwards, the sector’s institutions have since made an enormous effort to recover the necessary financial soundness. And they have done so by strengthening their capital bases, strengthening the assets on their balance sheets, cleaning up the destructive or non-value-generating components and substantially improving corporate governance.

Shareholders have been very actively engaged in this effort – which resulted in greater resilience for the sector – by providing the necessary capital, and managers and employees, creating the conditions for this capital to generate the value that is essential for sustaining it, as well as what needs to continue to be attracted to grow and support the development aspirations of the economy and society. 

Banks are fundamental for economic and social development and it is very important, in their own interest, that society recognises this. It is the activity of banks, through the credit they grant, that allows households and companies to anticipate future income in order to meet their current needs, or to carry out their plans. Without it, many families would only be able to access home ownership at a very late stage in their lives and many companies would not be able to make the investments on which their activity and the growth of the country's economy depend. Families would be needier, there would be fewer viable businesses, the country would be poorer and there would be fewer jobs.

But, in order for banks to be able to effectively carry out their mission to support and stimulate the country's economic and social development, they must be able to attract and retain capital. This, in turn, requires them to be able to properly remunerate that capital, providing levels of return that are not lower than those provided by other companies that compete with them for investment capital.

This leads to the unavoidable assertion, which many foolishly insist on ignoring, that the country's economic and social development depends on profitable banks.


Vítor Bento
Chairman of the APB since May 2021

Other positions:

  • Member of the supervisory boards of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and the Círculo Eça de Queiroz.
  • Member of the advisory councils of IGCP (former Chairman) and Banco de Portugal (former Chairman of the APB).
  • Member of the Board of the Professional Women Network Lisbon and of the General Board of the Portuguese Institute of Corporate Governance.
  • Visiting Full Professor at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Previous professional experience:

  • Chairman (CBOD) of SIBS (2015/2021).
  • Chairman of the European Card Payments Association (2015/2021).
  • Consultant to Semapa and Fundação Gulbenkian (2015/2021).
  • CEO of BES and Novo Banco (2014), SIBS (2000-2014) and Unicre (2000-2006).
  • Consultant and Director at the Banco de Portugal, member of European expert groups and non-executive director at several national and foreign companies.
  • Founder and first chairman of IGCP.
  • Professor at several universities (Nova SBE, ISEG and ISCSP).

Academic training: Doctorate in Social Sciences, Master in Philosophy and Bachelor in Economics.

Publications: Author of several books on Economics, European Affairs and Strategy, the most recent being "Strategic Autonomy and Economic Power" (2022).

Norberto Rosa
Secretary-General of the APB since January 2019

Other positions:

  • Member of the Economic and Social Council.
  • Director of the Deposit Guarantee Fund.
  • Member of the General Assembly of the European Payments Council (EPC) and the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI).

Previous professional experience:

  • Economist, starting his career as a teacher at the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão.
  • Deputy Director of Banking Supervision and consultant to the Board of Banco de Portugal.
  • He has held several leadership positions, including Deputy Director-General at the Directorate-General for Public Accounting and Secretary of State for the Budget.
  • He was director of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, vice-chairman of Banco Português de Negócios, after it was nationalised and until it was privatised, chairman of Caixa Geral de Aposentações and director at several financial institutions.

Academic training: Graduate in Economics.

International Representation: Member of several international working groups in institutions, such as the OECD and the European System of Central Banks

Publications: "Shall We Pay Our Public Debt? What Should We Do?" (2014).

Ana Moucho
Assistant Secretary-General of the APB since February 2022

Other positions:

  • Member of the Executive Committee of the European Banking Federation (EBF), also representing the APB on the Legal Committee.

Previous professional experience:

  • Deputy Director-General, responsible for the APB legal department.
  • Director of the Legal Affairs Department at Caixa Geral de Depósitos, with responsibility for legal advice and tax consultancy and litigation.
  • Director (Manager) in the Tax division of Arthur Andersen/Deloitte.

Academic training: Graduate in Law from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, with a Master's Degree in Tax Law from the Universidade de Lisboa. And postgraduate degrees in European Studies, Securities Law and Banking Law. He also completed the Advanced Management Programme for Executives at the Universidade Católica de Lisboa; the Advanced Management Programme at ISCTE; and the General Management Programme at AESE Business School.

Publications: “O Impacto da Reforma Fiscal na Tributação das Stock-options” [The Impact of Tax Reform on Stock-options Taxation] (co-authored with Rosa Freitas - 2001); "Os Complementares de Segurança Social" [Supplementary Social Security Schemes] (2012).


To learn more about the internal organisation of the APB, see the Association’s organisation chart.

Governing bodies

The governing bodies of the APB are the General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, which are chosen from among the members by election at the General Meeting for three-year terms.

Meet the APB’s governing bodies for 2024-2026.

Board of the General Meeting

Chairman Paulo Câmara  
Secretaries Banco Finantia, S.A.
BNP Paribas

Board of Directors

Chairman Vítor Augusto Brinquete Bento
Vice-Chairman Banco Comercial Português, S.A. Miguel Maya
Board Members Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A. Paulo Macedo
Banco BPI, S.A. João Oliveira e Costa
Novo Banco, S.A. Mark Bourke
Banco Santander Totta, S.A. Pedro Castro e Almeida
Caixa Central de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo Licínio Pina
Caixa Económica - Montepio Geral Pedro Leitão
Banco de Investimento Global, S.A. Carlos Rodrigues

Supervisory Board

Chairman Banco CTT Luís Pereira Coutinho
Board Members Banco Carregosa
ABC - Azevedo Rodrigues, Batalha, Costa & Associado, Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas
Secretary-General Norberto Sequeira da Rosa
Deputy Secretary-General Ana Bento Moucho

Archive of the governing bodies

Board of the General Meeting

Chairman Paulo Câmara  
Secretaries Banco Finantia, S.A.
BNP Paribas

Board of Directors

Chairman Vítor Augusto Brinquete Bento
Vice-Chairman Banco Comercial Português, S.A. Miguel Maya
Board Members Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A. Paulo Macedo
Banco BPI, S.A. João Oliveira e Costa
Novo Banco, S.A. Mark Bourke
Banco Santander Totta, S.A. Pedro Castro e Almeida
Caixa Central de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo Licínio Pina
Caixa Económica - Montepio Geral Pedro Leitão
Banco de Investimento Global, S.A. Carlos Rodrigues

Supervisory Board

Chairman Banco CTT Luís Pereira Coutinho
Board Members Banco Carregosa
ABC - Azevedo Rodrigues, Batalha, Costa & Associado, Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas
Secretary-General Norberto Sequeira da Rosa
Deputy Secretary-General Ana Bento Moucho

Board of the General Meeting

Chairman Paulo Câmara
Secretaries Banco Finantia, S.A.
BNP Paribas

Board of Directors

Chairman Fernando Faria de Oliveira
Vice-Chairman Banco Comercial Português, S.A. Miguel Maya
Board Members Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A. Paulo Macedo
Banco BPI, S.A. João Oliveira e Costa
Novo Banco, S.A. António Ramalho
Banco Santander Totta, S.A. Pedro Castro e Almeida
Caixa Central de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo Licínio Pina
Caixa Económica - Montepio Geral Carlos Tavares
Banco de Investimento Global, S.A. Carlos Rodrigues

Supervisory Board

Chairman Banco CTT Luís Pereira Coutinho
Board Members Eurobic Susana Nereu
Albuquerque, Aragão e Associados
Secretary-General Norberto Sequeira da Rosa
Director-General Catarina Cardoso

Board of the General Meeting

Chairman José Félix Morgado CE - Montepio Geral 
Secretaries Maria Luísa Antas Banco Finantia
Florbela Rocha BNP Paribas

Board of Directors

Chairman Fernando Faria de Oliveira
Vice-Chairman Nuno Manuel da Silva Amado Banco Comercial Português
Board Members José de Matos Caixa Geral de Depósitos
António Domingues Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Paulo Macedo Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Fernando Ulrich Banco BPI
Eduardo Stock da Cunha Novo Banco

António Vieira Monteiro

Licínio Pina

José Félix Morgado

Banco Santander Totta


Caixa Económica - Montepio Geral

Carlos Rodrigues

Banco de Investimento Global

Supervisory Board

Chairman Carlos Álvares Banco Popular Portugal
Board Members Carlos Traguelho Banco BIC

Rui Pedras

Marco Afonso

Banco BIC

Albuquerque, Aragão e Associados

Board of the General Meeting

Chairman António Tomás Correia Caixa Económica Montepio Geral
Secretaries Banco Bilbao Viscaya Argentaria
Banco Finantia

Board of Directors

Chairman Fernando de Oliveira
Vice-Chairman Ricardo Espírito Santo Silva Salgado Banco Espírito Santo
Board Members Nuno Manuel da Silva Amado Banco Comercial Português
José Agostinho de Matos Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Fernando Ulrich Banco BPI
António Vieira Monteiro Banco Santander Totta
Licínio Manuel Prata Pina Caixa Central de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo
Jorge Humberto Tomé BANIF - Banco Internacional do Funchal
Peter Mottek Barclays Bank

Supervisory Board

Chairman Rui Manuel Morganho Semedo Banco Popular Portugal
Board Members Manuel do Carmo Lopes Fanico Banco do Brasil
João Vicente de Carvalho Albuquerque, Aragão e Associados
Secretary-General João Mendes Rodrigues

Board of the General Meeting

Chairman António Tomás Correia Caixa Económica Montepio Geral
Secretaries François Laplace BNP Paribas

Board of Directors

Chairman António de Sousa
Vice-Chairman Carlos Jorge Ramalho Santos Ferreira Banco Comercial Português
Board Members José Agostinho de Matos Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Ricardo Espírito Santo Silva Salgado Banco Espírito Santo
Fernando Ulrich Banco BPI
Nuno Amado Banco Santander Totta
Joaquim Filipe Marques dos Santos BANIF - Banco Internacional do Funchal
João Costa Pinto Caixa Central Caixa Central de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo
Peter Mottek Barclays Bank

Supervisory Board

Chairman Rui Manuel Morganho Semedo Banco Popular Portugal
Board Members José Carlos Batista Neves Banco do Brasil
João Vicente de Carvalho Albuquerque, Aragão e Associados
Secretary-General João Mendes Rodrigues


History of APB

The APB was created on 17 October 1984 and merged with the Banking Training Institute, which had begun as the Banking Training Association on 10 January 1980.

Its founding banks were the following institutions:

  • Banco Borges e Irmão
  • Banco Comercial dos Açores
  • Banco do Brasil
  • Banco Espírito Santo e Comercial de Lisboa
  • Banco de Fomento Nacional
  • Banco Nacional Ultramarino
  • Banco Fonsecas & Burnay
  • Banco Pinto & Sotto Mayor
  • Banco Português do Atlântico
  • Bank of London and South America
  • Caixa Económica do Funchal
  • Caixa Económica Montepio Geral
  • Caixa Geral dos Depósitos
  • Credit Franco Portugais
  • Crédito Predial Português
  • União de Bancos Portugueses
  • Lloyds Bank

Since it was created, the APB has had seven chairmen:

  • Álvaro Pinto Correia (1984 a 1985)
  • Raúl Almeida Capela (1985 a 1987)
  • Alexandre Vaz Pinto (de 1987 a 1994)
  • João Salgueiro (de 1994 a 2009)
  • António de Sousa (de 2009 a 2012)
  • Fernando Faria de Oliveira (de 2012 a 2021)
  • Vítor Bento (desde 2021)