The National Council of Financial Supervisors (composed of the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF), the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) and the Banco de Portugal) annually organises Financial Training Week, an event that aims to raise awareness of the importance of financial training.
All the National Financial Training Plan partners take part in the celebrations for Financial Training Week, including the APB, and initiatives are organised for different target audiences, including students of all ages, teachers and other trainers, managers of micro and small businesses, football players, senior citizens, vulnerable groups and the general population.
The APB has participated in information sessions for two distinct target audiences:
Find out more about the initiatives already organised by the APB throughout the various editions of Financial Training Week:
APB partners with the CMVM in an initiative promoted by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), aimed at raising awareness of the importance of financial education and investor protection.
Since 2018, the APB organises the OPEN DAY IN BANKING – a day when banks open their doors to hold information sessions on basic concepts and notions of investment. These sessions are aimed at retail investors.
Check out the Open Day in Banking editions here: