The Portuguese Banking Association (APB) represents the banking sector in Portugal, by promoting the development, trust and integrity of the financial system. Learn more about our work in building a stronger and more transparent financial sector, supporting families and businesses, and promoting the country's economic and social development.
Get a comprehensive overview of the key areas that shape the banking sector, such as supervision, regulation, financial markets, and payments, among other key issues for the development of the financial system.
Find out essential information about the banking services available, and also about preventing and managing defaults, support measures, online security and business-specific solutions.
Learn about initiatives to promote financial literacy, with programmes for different audiences such as students, seniors, the general public and journalists, including innovative projects such as the European Money Quiz and the Saber de Contas portal.
Detailed data and analysis on the banking sector in Portugal, especially on APB members, providing a complete and up-to-date view of their activity and performance.
Our Media area provides press releases, presentations, news and relevant events about APB’s activities. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and our media presence.
Balance Sheet 2005-2008
Balance Sheet 1992-2004
Balance Sheet 1982-1992
Consolidated income statement 2005-2008
Consolidated income statement 1992-2004
Consolidated income statement 1982-1992
Branches 1990-2009
Human Resources 1987-2009