Associação Portuguesa de Bancos

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New edition of inforBanca is now available

The May edition of inforBanca is now available. This issue covers diverse topics, including governance, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and taxation, offering valuable insights into the financial sector’s operations and future trends.

Ludo Van der Heyden and Peter Nathanial share their reflections on the Credit Suisse crisis, analyzing its impacts on Swiss banking and emphasizing the lessons learned—and those still to be internalized. The broader aim is to reinforce awareness of the sector's relevance and the need to restore public trust.

The banking sector is undergoing rapid transformation, driven by disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality. To capitalize on these innovations, banks must adopt strategic approaches that leverage these technologies while ensuring customer trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. David Gyori, one of the Top 10 Global Thought Leaders in FinTech, provides insights to help banks seize these opportunities.

Artificial intelligence is reshaping and impacting business across all sectors. In previous issues, inforBanca explored this topic from various perspectives. In this edition, Maria Ruiz de Velasco examines the new European Artificial Intelligence Regulation and its implications for the financial sector, particularly banking.

Taxation remains a critical issue for individuals, families, and private and public entities alike. Daniela Pessoa Tavares and Maria Vicente Canhoto analyze the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) and the eighth amendment to the directive on administrative cooperation in taxation (DAC8), highlighting their impact on combating fraud and tax evasion.

This edition also highlights Portugal’s participation in the European Money Quiz final, part of the APB's Financial Literacy Project initiatives.

The APB’s Center for Studies and Publications, through the “Banking Sector in a Minute” column, offers its usual panoramic view of the sector, updating and analyzing its key indicators.

See also