Associação Portuguesa de Bancos


Stay up-to-date with events organised or supported by APB that promote dialogue and knowledge sharing about the financial sector in Portugal.

Open Day in Banking: Come to know the digital banking!

As part of World Investor Week, the APB will be taking secondary school students to visit some of the bank branches in order to find out the new solutions and services that banks offer associated to digital innovation.

Nowadays, some banks have highly innovative and multifunctional customer service spaces that break with the traditional concept of a bank branch.

Because it's important for young people to be aware of this new reality and to deepen their knowledge of digital finance, the APB is promoting the "Open Day in Banking: come and learn about digital banking".

These sessions are aimed at secondary school students and will take place in Lisbon and Pombal, according to the program below:

2nd October | BPI | Lisbon | 09 am | D. Pedro V Secondary School

                                           |11 am | Sampaio Secondary School

2nd October | Banco Montepio | Lisbon | 4 pm | Externato Maristas de Lisboa


10th October | Caixa de Crédito Agrícola | Pombal | 10 am | Pombal Secondary School


World Investor Week is a global initiative promoted by IOSCO with the aim of raising awareness to the importance of financial education and investor protection. In Portugal, this initiative is promoted by the Securities Market Commission (CMVM), together with partners in the financial and economic sector, including the APB. 

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