Stay up-to-date with events organised or supported by APB that promote dialogue and knowledge sharing about the financial sector in Portugal.
18th Mar, 2024
For 10 years now, the banking sector has been joining forces across Europe to promote financial literacy! And this year will be no different!
Between March 18th and 24th, another European Money Week will be celebrated, an initiative created by the European Banking Federation (EBF) to increase the financial literacy and skills of Europeans.
As a member of the EBF, the Portuguese Banking Association is once again taking part in this initiative.
Check out the set of planned initiatives:
March 19th - European Money Week Launch Conference (Brussels and Online):
As Europe prepares to go to the polls, politicians, academics and industry will reflect on the current moment in financial literacy, when Artificial Intelligence and Digital Finance add complexity and new challenges. See the program.
March 21st - European Money Quiz National Final (Online)
More than 100 students, selected from the intra-school competitions, will play in the National Final of the European Money Quiz. The competition will take place live at 11am on the APB YouTube Channel. Join us and put your financial knowledge to the test!
The winners of this competition will go to Brussels to represent Portugal in the European final in April.
All week long - "At the Bank of My School"
Throughout this week, we will continue to promote financial literacy sessions in schools, this time to talk about the role of banks and some of the main banking products. Find out more
You can also follow the campaign running during European Money Week on our social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin).
This week also marks the Global Money Week, an initiative of the OECD and FinCoNet, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of acquiring, from an early age, the knowledge and skills to make sound decisions and be more financially resilient.