Stay up-to-date with events organised or supported by APB that promote dialogue and knowledge sharing about the financial sector in Portugal.
31st Oct, 2023
The Portuguese Banking Association (APB) and the main banks operating in Portugal will be going out to schools from the north to the south of the country to promote financial literacy.
Over the course of the school year, more than 50 employees from the member banks will be promoting financial literacy lessons to 3.800 students from 3rd cycle and secondary school, with the aim of contributing to better financial planning and management in their day-to-day lives.
Starting on October 30 and running until June, we will bring students and teachers together in "No Banco da Minha Escola" and help them learn about and understand topics such as budget planning and management, the banking products and services available and the behaviors to adopt to prevent online fraud.
This first edition of "At the Bank of My School" will cover three topics:
1st term - Planning and Managing the Family Budget: what is an income and expenditure, how to make a budget and how to manage a budget balance.
2nd term - Financial System - Banking Products and Services: how the financial system works
3rd term - Online Safety: identify the different types of online fraud and adopt the most appropriate and safe behaviors to prevent them.
See the list of participating schools here.
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