22nd March, 2021 at 12:00:00

More than 80 students, from 40 schools nationwide, will compete in the National Final of the European Money Quiz 2021, in search of the title of national champions of financial literacy.

EMQ National Final will be played, live, through APB's Youtube channel.

During the game, students will have to answer 20 questions about budget management and planning, means of payment, risk and digital security.

The 80 finalists were selected in the intra-school competitions, which took place at the beginning of March and involved more than 2.000 students, from 40 schools from the north to the south of the country.

The winners of the National Final will represent Portugal in the European Final, which will be played on April 20,

You can watch the competition at:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuaToFEyys76tx7S4MbzDGg